5.TDU Modding Tools : Wizards

Camera & IK

Cameras & IK Fix

Following tool aims to fix most of issues you'll encounter when swapping cars. In fact, TDU allows any model replacement now, though data belonging to some cars may not be correct for mods based on others.
At the moment, 2 major issues can be solved:

Objective is to tell the game to use same data as the mod has been made for (you can use data from other vehicles as well, as some good results have been obtained already :) )

For example, you've just downloaded a brand new 3D model, a Lamborghini Diablo (does not exist yet, I know), which has been designed to replace a Murcielago Coupe. Though, you wanna also keep your beloved Murcie so you decide to swap with another car, let's say Jaguar XJ220...
Swap went OK, but ingame cockpit and hood views are all messed up (camera issues) - seatbelts are hanging in the air, driver has its arms misaligned, his head through the roof etc... (IK issues). So, great time to fix this:

1. Complete vehicle list will automatically appear; thus you've just to select the vehicle you're using as replacement (Jaguar XJ200 in this example).

2. Then, go to the bottom of the window, browse Available objects for a vehicle which will fit the most.
I advise you to start with recommended vehicle (mod's author will mention it); by default, you can try the vehicle this mod as been designed for.

3. So here you'll select the Murcielago Coupe in this list, then click on Apply button and select which data you wanna fix (cameras or IK).
Obviously, you can fix both with the same car information; though be free to experiment many combinations and get better/worse results :p.

4. Finally don't forget to click on Save button.

Car Colors

Car Colors Editor

Tool used to swap a color with another (convenient for cars allowing only one color or to get exclusive colors). Steps are described below.

a. Load your regional car colors info:

Color data field enables you to define location of data files (TDU_CarColors.xx). These files are stored in BNKs and must be extracted first. To do that, please use File Browser to open in Euro\Bnk\Database folder : DB_xx.bnk where xx corresponds to your game language.

b. Searching / swapping colors:

Once data loaded, known color names and corresponding car models will appear in the grid. You may use the Search button to retrieve a color by car model / brand label / etc...
After that, simply select the color you want to replace, click on Set {1} button, then select color you'd want to obtain and click on Set {2} button. Finally, click on Switch button. Swapped colors will appear in grey.

You can always cancel current colors swaps: select a grey entry then click on Undo button.

c. Saving changes and re-packing:

Click on Save button to update your TDU_CarColors.xx file.
You'll need to put it back to the DB_xx.bnk archive afterwards by using File Browser (via Replace function).

d. Remarks:

If you swap a few colors in your data file, close application then open Modding Tools later, previous changes won't be displayed; thus future swaps might give unexpected results.
To avoid this, I advise you to keep track of changes you've made and always work on a clean copy of data file.

You can also directly modify your car colors by selecting this TDU_CarColors.xx file in BNK Manager [File Browser] then using Edit function. This wizard will appear automatically. Once you've finished with editing, just go back to File Browser then use Apply button to update your BNK. Please check File Browser section for details.


Names Editor

a. Load your regional car physics and brands info:

Brands and Car physics fields enable you to define location of data files (TDU_Brands.xx and TDU_CarPhysicsData.xx respectively). These files are stored in a BNK and must be extracted first. To do that, please use File Browser to open in Euro\Bnk\Database folder : DB_xx.bnk where xx corresponds to your game language. Then extract both files into the folder of your choice.

b. Searching / changing name parts:

Once data loaded, known vehicle names will appear in the grid. You may use the Search button (bottom) to find a vehicle by name.
After that, simply select the vehicle for which you wanna change the name.

Basically, each name matches the following : [Brand name] [Model] [Sub-model, if any]. These 3 are called name parts and can be changed independently.
Please note that current in-game name is shown at the bottom, after Current name: label.

Now, click on Change button, then select which name part to modify. After typing a new name and validating, database files are automatcally updated.

Important note: due to limitations, some name parts can be shared among many cars. So modifying a name part could affect other cars names.
To avoid this, please watch message zone at the bottom of the window: it shows how many car names have been impacted by the last change; in addition, conflictual names will get orange.

I won't provide much explanation about Brand Names customization, as it behaves the same way as vehicle names. So you shouldn't encounter any real problem with it ;).

c. Re-packing:

You need to put your 2 database files (physics and brands) back to the DB_xx.bnk archive afterwards by using File Browser (via Replace function).
In addition, I advise you to always use the Modify Size method when replacing files. Reading so, you'll understand a Magic Map is necessary ;)

You can also directly modify your names by selecting both database files in BNK Manager [File Browser] then using Edit function. This wizard will appear automatically. Once you've finished with editing, just go back to File Browser then use Apply button to update your BNK. Please check File Browser section for details.

d. Remark:

Vehicle list is not complete yet, as you'll certainly notice. It's just because I have to update a reference table and add each car separately... so it takes some time!
Anyway, if you need to make changes on an unsupported model, please send a request in the official english thread at TDU: Central forums    
I will thus provide updates for everyone (xml files to download separately).
